
Spell check for journalistic integrity

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Secondraft is an online service for publishers and authors, that:

How can Secondraft improve your content?

Reduce obviously-biased phrasing in native advertising:

Burger King restaurants are bringing the signature flame-grilling technique they've been perfecting for more than 60 years to hot dogs with the launch of Grilled Dogs.

The fast food chain is broadening its beef kingdom...

Identify and correct politically-tinged vernacular, making your writing accessible to people with diverse ideologies:

Sanders said the United States must play a role in supporting Israel while not ignoring the plight of the Palestinian people.

Automatically flag aggressive language , increasing your credibility as a journalist:

The German government summoned the US ambassador on 24 October - a very unusual step - after German media reported that the NSA had spied on Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone.

Soften potentially controversial speech , allowing your writing to be distributed in markets with stricter media controls:

Although they were conquered in 1950 by the People’s Liberation Army, the people of Kham have remained resistant. Many took part in the 2008 uprising that spread from Lhasa across the plateau, and there have been self-immolations protesting Chinese rule in recent years. On July 9, only two weeks before the horse festival, a young monk in Yushu died after setting fire to himself.

Screen for potentially business-unfriendly language, to avoid phrasing that puts corporate partners in difficult positions:

The industry has long maintained that because fracking occurs thousands of feet below drinking-water aquifers, the drilling chemicals that are injected to break up rocks and release the gas trapped there pose no risk. In this study, the researchers note that the contamination may have stemmed from a lack of...

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